Psychologists Explain Things We All See in Dreams, and It’s Better Not to Ignore Them

7. Being chased or persecuted

These kinds of dreams can mean a lot of different things. Lauri Loewenberg, an expert on dreams, says, “People that tend to avoid conflict, who are afraid of ruffling feathers or causing issues will have the recurring dream of being chased.”

Pay attention to what’s chasing you, because it’s a sign of something bad that you try not to think about in real life. It could be debt or a drug habit. Are you being followed by someone you know? Think about what or who this person makes you think of. They could be about someone else or a part of yourself that you don’t want to admit, like a talent or goal you’re hiding.

There’s also a theory that dreams about running away from someone are just the echo of instincts passed down from our ancestors that are still in our genes. All because they were always running away from dangerous animals.