1. Not the right woman

Marriage is a thing which should be done after careful considerations. You shouldn’t jump into marriage in the heat of the moment. I have seen so many people get married after like a year into dating and they have ended up divorcing within the next 3 years. According to statistics, 70% of marriages in USA end up in the court. A lot of women marry not because they are in love with the guy and wants to settle down. No, they marry because they love the idea of a marriage ceremony and the married life dream. While not all women are like that, it is up to the men to find out how compatible they are. If she likes the same movies as you, if she thinks the way you do, if you two have career goals which will complement one another and not get into each other’s way. Don’t marry her because she has the looks and you want to have continuous sex. Marry to build a life together. Because once you get into bed with the wrong woman, your whole life can turn upside down and you alone will suffer.