3. “What if there is someone better out there” syndrome

“Well the guy I went out with last night was great; he says interesting stuffs and works in a good place, but there is something wrong about the way he eats” or “The girl I saw last night was good enough; she is pretty, smart and even funny, but I am still not sure about it, she does not meet a few other criteria that I am looking for”. People who have gone on a long series of dates, have met a lot of different kinds of men and women, and as a result, end up with a “hazy” idea of what exactly they are looking for. They cannot make their mind up, and nothing seems to satisfy them, and they quickly move on to the next.
Worse, serial daters may develop the tendency to reject people based on qualities which the other person may not have any control on, say body-weight, or eye colour, or complexion, or the way he eats, or the way she laughs and moves her hands, and the list continues. In this way, they tend to make rash decisions and end dating a person who was otherwise perfect for them.