Grab All 10 Super Foods Which Actually Are Healthier Than KALE

1. Watercress

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And our champion is the WATERCRESS!! Call it yours as it won’t ditch. Believe it or not, it works as an anti-aging food. Yes, it does indeed. Watercress contains vitamin E which is also important for skin health. It is this powerhouse of nutrients and the chain reaction in which they work together which is so important for maintaining a good skin. What else? Defense to cancer. Watercress is said to have extraordinary potential when it comes to cancer prevention and management due to its capability to increase the antioxidants level in the blood and protect against DNA damage. The dietary intake of these substances is ready to help fight breast, colorectal, lung, prostate and other types of cancer.

Watercress is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to be beneficial for heart and eye health. Now whatever food we add or subtract watercress is a must to the diet list.