There are many of us around who are stuck in a relationship just for the sake of worthless things which we think matters us a lot. It might be the loneliness that we don’t want to face or it might be the fact which makes you think that you love your partner so whatever happens you can’t leave. Or you might have this habit of comforting yourselves by thinking that he/she is going to change. Stop using balm to your heart and giving false hopes to yourself the whole time rather move forward. The one which you actually deserve no matter how long you have to wait for the perfect person to come is worth the time. .
7. Love yourself at first and then think about loving someone else

Your first job before jumping into a relationship is loving yourself, if you don’t love yourself how can someone love you or how can you even love someone? Love and respect yourself because it’s the dignity which is going to you keep you going further to the best level in your life. Relationships do have problems at times and solutions too but make sure you have your life at peace and everything fine aside before getting ready to accept all those relationship things.