One of the biggest disappoints in life is when you expect something from somebody and they end up failing you. It can happen with friends, family or even a loved one. It can even take place with a known associate or a colleague. It’s not their fault really. It is just us, who place too many expectations on them. Somehow we end up setting this huge ceiling for them to reach and when they don’t live up to those expectations we end up feeling frustrated and often angry at them. At times, we should stop expecting things from the. With that mind, here are the top seven things that we shouldn’t expect from others;
7. They won’t agree with us

This is the main thing that you should stop expecting of others. Not everyone will agree with you or whatever you do. Nor should you agree with them or their methods of doing things. You were not born to live up to everyone’s expectations nor were they. You have to do things based on your own instincts. If you keep waiting for the approval of others, you will never get things done nor will you achieve any sort of happiness or success. Follow your own path and stay true to your own path.