3 Things You Should Clean More Often, Even When There’s Not an Epidemic

The world feels a bit uncertain at the moment, thanks to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Many states are on complete lockdown. Millions of children are out of school due to closures. People are being forced to work at home, while others have been laid off from their jobs completely.

COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, has become a serious problem all over the world. Thanks to the timing of its growth, it has also given “spring cleaning” a completely new meaning this year.

Experts have touted the importance of washing your hands for at least 20 seconds and keeping surfaces in your home clean and as free from bacteria and other debris as possible. The coronavirus can remain stable on surfaces for hours.

While this pandemic may be inspiring people to spend more time cleaning, the reality is you shouldn’t wait for a lockdown to clean certain areas of your home more often. Unfortunately, there are a few key spots that many people tend to ignore. As a result, they can end up carrying a slew of germs and other things you might not want to think about!

With that in mind, let’s go over three things you should clean around your home more often – without waiting for an epidemic!

1. Curtains


You might spend time washing your windows, but how often do you clean your curtains? Curtains are meant to be a sort of shield for your house, especially when you have the windows open. They collect dust, dirt, allergens, and can create mold and mildew if they’re in moist areas. For family members who have respiratory issues, dirty curtains can be dangerous.

Ideally, you should clean your curtains every 3-6 months. If they’re machine washable, you can clean them yourself, and put them in a sunny spot to dry naturally rather than throwing them in your dryer.

To limit the amount of dirt and dust your curtains collect from the floor, you can hang them higher off the ground. Hanging your curtains high also creates the illusion of taller ceilings and more space.

2. Touch Screens and Technology


You’ve probably heard a lot about handwashing over these last few weeks. But think about what your hands/fingers are touching on a regular basis. For many people, it’s the screen of your phone, your tablet, or your computer keyboard.

It’s easy to think about cleaning surfaces like countertops and keeping your furniture dusted. But when was the last time you cleaned the screen of your smartphone? A cellphone can have up to 10 times more bacteria on it than a toilet seat. When you touch the screen and then touch your face, you’re making yourself susceptible to a variety of germs and potential illnesses. The most common types of bacteria housed on cell phones include:

  • Mold
  • Yeast
  • Coli
  • Streptococcus
  • MRSA

You can clean your phone and other screens/keyboards around your house by sanitizing them frequently with disinfecting wipes. Remember, whatever your hands touch gets transferred to these surfaces. So it’s another good argument for hand-washing frequently, too! The fewer bacteria on your hand, the less likely it is that they will remain on your devices.

3. Showerhead


There are probably a lot of little things in your home that you don’t often think about cleaning. When was the last time you cleaned your mattress, or that rug by the door? Did you know you can make your own natural cleaning solution and get your rugs and carpets clean right now?

There’s one thing that most people don’t often think about cleaning, though, because it’s meant to clean you: your showerhead. Chances are, you see it every day; you probably just don’t pay much attention to it. But your showerhead could actually be showering you in germs if it’s not cleaned from time to time. One study even found that the microbes found in dirty showerheads could contribute to respiratory issues or lung infections.

Thankfully, it’s very easy to clean your showerhead, and you can do it without harsh chemicals. Simply fill a plastic bag half-way with vinegar, and pull it up around your showerhead. Secure the bag in place with a rubber band and leave it there for 30 minutes. Remove it, and run the water for a few minutes to rinse the vinegar away. Not only will the acidity of the vinegar help to remove bacteria, but it can also remove hard water scaling, and disinfect the entire showerhead.

It’s not difficult to consider what you should clean around your house regularly just by taking a look around. Every home has areas that get ignored a little too often. Since social distancing has given all of us plenty of time to be at home, it’s the perfect opportunity to kick your spring cleaning into high gear and focus on the areas of your home that should regularly be cleaned, even without quarantine.

Ainsley Lawrence, the author of this article, is a passionate writer. She is on Medium and Twitter