Whenever we are trying to compare two different or more countries we tend to take criteria such as GDP, standard of living and net income per capita among other things. This helps us to see which country is really doing better. However, there are another criteria that can help us get a good idea as to how much better they are doing as a whole and that’s innovation. But you see, the problem with innovation is that you don’t know what innovative thing it is that you are taking into account. One country may actually take the innovation of another country and built something entirely different from it. So do we credit both the countries or do we credit just the one who invented it? Either way, we have managed to compile a list of the 4 most innovative countries around the world.
4. Switzerland

The number one country in terms of innovation is none other than Switzerland. Now this is a bit of a surprise here because this is literally one country which wasn’t exactly blessed with natural resources or anything else. And that has forced Switzerland to be innovative in other ways. They are quite impressive when it comes to patenting. In 2014 there were over 43000 patent applications coming out of Switzerland, that’s the highest of any countries. This shows that they were willing to try out new things and become innovative.