One of the greatest thing about this life is eating. No matter what you do, nothing will give you as much joy and pleasure as you will get while eating. Personally, having my meals is the highlight of my day no matter where I am or what I am doing. And besides, you need to eat in order to live anyway. With that being said, we human beings have a tendency of eating almost everything that is edible without seeing if they are good for our body or not. Here is a list of items that should be avoided by everyone or risk dying in the near future.
6. Cheese Whiz Dip

This probably is like heaven for all the foodies out there. I mean, a jar filled with nothing but cheese to dip into with practically everything in the world, sounds too good to be true. Unfortunately, this is nothing but a heart attack in a jar! It contains nothing but a third of the daily fat require by you and has got sodium too. All of these in just two tablespoons. And seeing how people can’t control themselves when around it, this item should be seriously avoided.