2. It teaches you compassion

By the time you have a steady life with a good paying job, you should have reached the age of 30 and above, unless you really hit the jackpot early on in life. By then, you have been more or less accustomed to the ways of life in your country and your perspective regarding something won’t change as much. However, if you travel the world early on, then you are going to learn compassion. Visiting different parts of the world will let you see various things that you wouldn’t have been able to read from books or seen on TV. Go to southeast Asia and you may encounter slave trade. Visit Eastern Europe and you can witness the effects of genocide or even religious persecution. Go anywhere in Africa and you will see what hunger does to people. All these sights will leave you with a feel of sadness. It will teach you how lucky you are. Not everyone can learn compassion but if you decide to travel at a younger age, you can learn compassion and your whole view on the world will drastically change.