1. Expand Your Horizon

Arguably the best part about travelling all across the globe is the vast amount of knowledge and culture you come across. No matter how many times people say “such a small world”, you are literally a tiny dot in the whole of Planet Earth. If you stay in one place all through your life you are being deprived of a vast amount of knowledge that can be found elsewhere. You need to get culture and get to know the world better. Yes, you live in the United States where there is everything in plenty of amounts. But move to Africa and you will see how people fight for a drop of water. Go to Asia and you will come across the various customs people still follow there. You think looking at the Sistine Chapel on the computer is amazing? Take a look at it from up close and you will be blown away by its sheer beauty. Travelling young also allows you to meet new people and you learn their ways of living. Their food habits, tradition, the way of life, everything becomes so much interesting. When you are young, there is a hunger for knowledge that you won’t find when you are older.