1. Windshield wipers

To perform this abdomen exercise, you need to lie down on the floor with your face upwards. Tuck in your hands under your pelvis with your palms facing down on the floor. Make sure your legs and feet are straight together. Now slowly raise your legs towards the ceiling and hold your position there. At the top of the movement you now need to twist your hips to the left, making sure your feet points to the left as well. After that lower your feet back on the ground. Do it again but this time twist to the right with your hips and feet. Keep alternating the sides for reps. This particular exercise requires a great deal of balance and concentration to try to take your time and do it slowly. Once you get the hang of it, then you can speed up.
Workout Routine- All these exercise are great for building up the six pack. However, you need to learn how to include them in your workout routine. Perform one set of each exercise mentioned here at least 3 times a week. There are all of advanced level workouts so it will require some time for getting used to. Try to do 8 to 12 reps for a set. Once you have successfully done 15 reps of each exercise you can then add more set to your routine.