5 Commonly Used Phrases That Kills Conversations

3. “The funniest thing happened at work”

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/386254105513811386/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/386254105513811386/

Okay, first of all, let us clear why this isn’t the right thing to say to others. In order for people to understand, let alone find the story funny, you need to give a background description of the people involved in the story and the setting of it. Then you literally have to reenact the situation, boring people with tiny details from the start. By the time you reach the funny part, these people are trying hard to see why it was so funny in the first place. In the end, you are left with people staring at one another and giving an awkward smile to you to let you know yes it was somewhat funny. Unless people have had similar experience like the story they will never find it funny. And off course, it always seemed funny when it actually happened rather than when you are telling it afterwards.