When you hear the term restaurant, the very first image that pops into one’s mind is that of a building or a place with a lot of neatly placed tables with plates and spoons and waiters running around serving food and taking the orders. I mean, that’s what a restaurant is, it’s a place where people go to eat. However, over the last decade or so, restaurants are changing the way we think of them. There are now restaurants that float. That’s right, restaurants which are placed on water bodies thereby giving the customers a whole new experience and that’s why we have listed down some of the most amazing floating restaurants down below.
5. The Murinsel Café

This particular restaurant is located in Graz, Austria in the middle of Nur River. It is an artificial platform that was designed by New York artist Vito Acconci. The whole building looks like one giant sea shell and it measures around 47 meters in length. There are two footbridges that connect the restaurant with to the banks of the river. The Murinsel Café provides an excellent place to order drinks, have some coffee and to have a good time with some friends.