Do you love having sauces on your food on a regular basis? Well, it may be time to limit or completely restrict condiments as they are much unhealthier than you thought before. People tend to add these condiments to make their food taste better but they can turn an ordinary, healthy meal into complete junk. For example, pouring ranch dressing over your salad will add fat, salt, additives and other chemicals to a perfectly good meal. Other condiments are no better and can actively harm your health. Here are 5 condiments you should avoid putting on your food:
5. Ketchup

Bottled ketchup or tomato sauce is nothing more than high fructose corn syrup, plenty of salt and sugar, MSG and just a tiny bit of overcooked tomatoes mixed with lots and lots of food colouring. Just one tablespoon of ketchup contains around 4 grams of sugar and most people use way more than a tablespoon when eating fries or other snacks. Simply put, commercially made ketchup is just a bottle full of sugar and red food colouring. For a healthier alternative, make your own ketchup where you can use fresh ingredients and control the amount of sugar in the sauce.