5 Worst Foods for Belly Fat

4. Soda


Whether you go for regular soda or one of the sugar-free alternatives, the result will always end up as belly fat. The easiest way to lose weight is to give up drinking soda and other fizzy drinks. Regular soda contains a huge number of calories and sugars, this results in the spiking of your blood sugar and promoting weight gain, especially around your abdomen. The caffeine and the sugars can also make you feel hungrier than you really are, which can lead to overeating. It increases your body’s appetite for more food and drink, often creating a vicious cycle, all of which increases abdominal fat. Fruit juices are no better as they just contain water, sugar and flavouring. Next time, simply drink a glass of water and add a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint if you want some extra flavour.