6 . The people with high intellect

Remember the famous rock band of the 70s, Queen? Then you are tending to recognize the amazing guitarist they had named Brian May. Well he was not just a guitarist, he was a nerd during his academic life and managed to acquire a PhD in Astrophysics from Imperial College, London. WOW!

Dolph Lundgren, we hated him so much in Rocky yet in real life he is just more than amazing. Dolph has a Masters degree on Chemical Engineering from MIT and had IQ points above 160. Villains could be so awesome at times, right?

We are now talking about the beauty with brain, the woman who had a beauty to die for yet a brain to knock you out. We are talking about the Hollywood star from the 40s, Hedy Lamarr. Did you know that without her contribution and invention of Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum in today’s world, Bluetooth, GPS, mobile communication and Wi-Fi would have been impossible to work. Her idea was initially rejected thinking her to be a beauty without brains, her ideas came into light after her patents got expired in late 60s. The biggest irony is she never gained anything from her invention.