8 Toxic Beliefs Most People Think Are Normal

3. Perfection

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/53480314297653411/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/53480314297653411/

Okay the word perfect was invented just to make your work better, not to stress yourself to make something live up to a word you don’t know the meaning to. Perfection has no meaning so stop killing yourself by trying to make everything perfect. Let go if you have to.

  • Don’t push yourself constantly to make everything perfect
  • Imperfection hasn’t killed anyone yet
  • It’s okay to relax

Doing everything perfect and having everything perfect can be boring, the push for such outcome can be meaningless if you can’t enjoy what you do. Imperfection can be done and keep you inspired, so ease up and let the blood pressure level stay normal.