8 Toxic Beliefs Most People Think Are Normal

2. Taking it personally

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/369858188120391393/

No, they’re not always talking about you, maybe sometimes but not always, and what they say won’t change the way you are and should not affect you either.  You should not stress yourself for what others think or say about you, their perspective is completely based on how they are and it will never be the same as you.

  • Stop caring what others think
  • If you think you’re right then it honestly does not matter
  • They are not living your life
  • What they say should not hurt you

Feedbacks are okay if you think it’s a scope to improve yourself but if it’s getting you worried constantly about how or what people think about you then it’s a complete waste of time. The energy you use to think about other people’s opinion is cutting down the time for you to think about yourself. Stop worrying so much and let them talk, there’s no harm gaining a little popularity.