Incredible Reasons To Stop Buying Bottled Water

7. It’s Expensive

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Going back to that point, the expense of buying bottled water can be compared to gasoline expenses which includes the cost of pumping from the ground in the form of crude oil, refine into gasoline and then ship to distributor. U.S pays a little more than $3 for a gallon of gasoline, and water has been found to be more expensive than that. While gasoline has 128 fluid ounces in a gallon which works out to about 2 cents per gallon, bottled water has to be purchased in a 20-ounce bottle for around a $1 in the U.S. This means about 5 cents per ounce which is 3 cents more than gasoline. No matter how you try to reason by thinking buying in bulk means less cost, you are still buying something you get for free.