5 Commonly Used Phrases That Kills Conversations

Ever wondered as to why some people keep fidgeting with their phones in a party? No, not because they are addicted but because making small talk is hard. There are a lot of people at a party and it’s hard to find out what they are like and what kind of approach you should take. But despite all that we do end up making small talk to some people. We ask general questions like how they are doing or if they happened to have caught the game last night. Then there are some people who ask the most stupid and awkward questions. These questions or phrases are a sure way to kill a conversation abruptly. Listed below are such 5 phrases.

5. “I saw someone like you”

Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/152981718562996562/
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/152981718562996562/

Let’s get this one thing clear right away, unless you are comparing somebody with a good looking celebrity, nobody and I mean nobody wants to hear this statement. Why? Because frankly, it is quite insulting that you are comparing me to somebody else. I mean, the conversation goes something like “hey you look like this guy I know, he works as a grocery delivery guy” “Umm okay”. That’s basically setting up an awkward situation. What do you say afterwards? Absolutely nothing.