8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

4. Squats

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

During squats, everyone knows you shouldn’t lift your heels off the floor or round your back, but there are other mistakes that aren’t as obvious.

  • You don’t bend your knees toward your toes, which puts more stress on your joints and uses less of the muscles on the outside of your thighs.
  • Your knees move in front of your toes. This takes some of the weight off your buttocks, which can hurt.
  • During squats, some people lift their heads. You don’t have to do this because it throws off your balance and technique and can cause pain in your lower back and neck.

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

The right way to do it

  • During the whole exercise, your back should be straight, you should look straight ahead, and your feet should be flat on the floor.
  • You shouldn’t let your knees go past your toes. Instead of bending your legs, think about lowering your buttocks. This will help you get better.
  • The kneecap should be facing the same way as the toes.
  • The squat should be done without jerking or jumping.

A lot depends on how deep you squat and how far apart your legs are.

It’s right to squat until the hips are parallel to the floor. When squats aren’t done right, the thigh muscles don’t work well, and when squats are done too deeply, the knees get overworked.
The muscles of the inner thighs and buttocks are worked harder the farther apart your legs are.

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong