8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

5. Push-ups (a lighter version)

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

Studies have shown that a lighter version of push-ups works the same muscles without putting too much strain on them. You could do push-ups on your knees or toes, or you could do them from the wall, a bench, or a sofa.


  • If the lower back bends, the spine will be overloaded.
  • If you look at them from above, the elbows are out to the sides and look like the letter “T.” When you’re in this position, your shoulders work too hard while your triceps and chest work less.

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

The right way to do it

  • Put your hands on the floor, the couch, or a wall. Keep your body as straight as a string and get as low as you can. Then slowly go up.
  • Your arms should be a little bit farther apart than shoulder-width. You should point your fingers forward.
  • When your elbows are at a 45° angle toward your body, it works well.