With the growing importance of computers, technology and the digitization of every sector, it has become inevitable to do much manual labor. Most of our days just go by sitting at our desk doing everything with the help of our machines in hand. Basically, it is easy to understand that sitting around for 8-10 hours a day is not good for your health. Your spine weakens; your joints get stiff; your blood circulation decreases, and your organs get contracted. It is very important that you get enough exercise in the day to stretch out your body parts enough.
3. Glute Smash

If your job entails you sitting all day long on your butt, it is absolutely necessary that you put some time to exercise your butt muscles. Place a mobility ball or lacrosse ball under your gluteal muscle and rotate it around until you find the sweet spot or trigger point. Contract and release your muscles continuously for two minutes straight. Keep your legs bent and knees pointed to the side. This exercise will not only loosen up your bum muscles but also loosen your upper hamstring and help remove pressure and stress from your lower back. Follow this routine and you will love the feeling afterwards and will also make your job easier to deal with.