8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

6. Crunches

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

To do a crunch right, you should lie on the floor and bend your knees so that they are 90 degrees apart. Then, you should slowly lift your shoulders off the floor while tightening your abs. This exercise might look like it couldn’t be easier, but many people still make mistakes.

  • A lot of ways to move. If you lift the body too high, most of the weight will go on your hip muscles instead of your abs.
  • Bent neck. If you keep your hands behind your head and put pressure on the back of your head, some of the weight will shift to your neck or hands.
  • Keeping the legs in place takes some of the pressure off the abdominal muscles because it uses the hip muscles.

8 Popular Exercises That Even Fitness Instructors Do Wrong

The right way to do it

  • Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle and press your lower back to the floor. You can cross your hands across your chest or put them behind your head.
  • Engage your ab muscles, slowly lift your shoulders 6 to 9 inches off the floor, and then slowly lie back down on the floor without letting your muscles relax.
  • During the exercise, keep your feet on the floor and look straight ahead.